About the Assembly Line Project


The “Assembly Line” is an ongoing series of works, which was initiated in 2010 by Li Xiaofei. It is a practice that is intertwined with the social process and changes of our time in not only China but on a global scale. By 2019, Li has travelled around the world (China, Norway, Sweden, the US, Germany, New Zealand, etc.) and investigated in and shot more than two hundred factories of different types, having dialogues and exchanges with people of different positions within the assembly line.


In the early phase of “Assembly Line”, He employed a “realtime” shooting technique which was difficult to control, mixed with the language of documentary and a fragmented interwoven approach to create a mutual restructuring and a transformation of the relationship between man and machine , in essence to reconstruct an illusory reality. While in the past four years, he has used various artistic forms employing “everyday objects” as his medium, and a non-narrative method to depict different landscapes and homes, to provoke people from different angles —From the observation of specific details to the contemplation of the whole. In the process the viewer can realize that things which may look unremarkable or natural, often bear with them a profound social significance.


In Li Xiaofei’s view, the assembly line is a mode of production driven by capitalistic desire—it is repetitive, consistent, mechanical and devoid of emotion. At the same time, it is highly efficient, and can expediently expand the volume of production to create maximum value. This kind of repetition and consistency not only refers to the machine, but also represents the people in between and finally the products themselves. What lies beyond the visible orderliness of the assembly line is the invisible normalization in the capitalist factory, consumer society, social progress and social moral—the reality of the people living in a highly systematic and institutionalized environment.


In order to understand the laborers, he cuts across traditional narrations and uses repetitively moving and progressing images, by which he explores the relations between industrial production and social development. In this way, he is challenging the dominating single way of thinking and exploring how the social politics and economic structure affect people’s living space and their communication.


In the long-term working process, Li Xiaofei also realized the change of his role: becoming from a bystander at the beginning stage when he treated the factory and workers as his filming subject to an observer as he probed deeply into the social meaning behind the factories to a participant as he himself has become a worker of the “Assembly Line”.






